Geologist - A scientist that studies the physical features and history of Earth., Rock Strata - layers of rock, Law of Superposition - The law that states that each rock layer is older than the one above it. So, the relative age of the rock or fossil in the rock or fossil in the rock is older if it is farther down in the rock layers., Geological Time Scale - A chart that organizes Earth's 4.6 billion year old history., Fossil - The remains or traces of plants and animals that live a long time ago., Intrusion - An intrusion is magma (melted rock) which cools and becomes solid under the Earth's surface., Relative Dating - Figuring out the age of something by comparing it to sometime else. An example is the bottom rock layer is older than the top rock layer., Absolute Dating - A way of finding out the actual age of an object by measuring the amount of material that is broken down over time., Extinction - The dying out or disappearance of a species from earth, Index Fossil - A fossil that is used to figure out the general age of the rock layer that the fossil is found in. ,
Geologic History of Earth
6th Grade
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