Stage 1 - The ‘felling’ of a tree. This is normally carried out in winter, when the tree has less moisture content. In the summer months, trees can have more then fifty percent water content. This increased weight adds to the cost of transport, handling and initial preparation for the sawmill. Even in winter, trees have a high water content., Stage 2 - The tree trunks (logs) are stored / stacked in a clearing. Sometimes logs are stored in the forest until they are needed at the sawmill., Stage 3 - The logs are transported to the sawmill, using vehicles equipped with lifting gear., Stage 4 - Debarking. The bark is removed from the tree, along with any stumps from branches., Stage 5 - At the sawmill, the logs are cut into ‘boards’ using equipment such as circular saws and bandsaws. This is called ‘conversion’, Stage 6 - Seasoning of natural wood, is the process through which excess water / moisture is removed, leaving typically fifteen to twenty percent water content., Stage 7 - Distribution to timber yards for sale.,

Timber process


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النمط البصري


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