Bratwurst - a sausage made of freshly ground, seasoned pork that is usually cooked by grilling, Spatzle - a German side dish made up of small dumplings made from wheat flour, Hasenpfeffer - a rabbit dish that is braised in a marinade of wine, vinegar, onions, and spices, Preiselbeeren - small, cranberry-like fruits served with game dishes, Westphalian Ham - a richly flavored, slightly smoked raw ham that is served throughout Germany, Lebkuchen - Young men and women sometimes give this honey-spice cake to their sweethearts as gifts, Schnitzel - one of the most popular German pork dishes, Sauerkraut - In Germany, this dish is usually flavored with caraway, apple, onion, or juniper berries and served with pork dishes, Braunschweiger - a type of liver sausage that was first produced in Braunschweig, Germany, Kasseler Rippenspeer - a breaded veal chop that is sauteed in butter, Stollen - At Christmas time, Germans may serve a rich yeast bread, Pumpernickel - a bread made from un-sifted, rye flour which is a favorite in Germany, Sauerbraten - a sweet-sour marinated beef roast and it is a popular beef dish in Germany, Strudel - A German dessert made with paper-thin layers of pastry filled with plums, apples, cherries, or poppy seeds, Kartoffelpuffer - the famous potato pancakes enjoyed throughout Germany, Gebildbrote - breads baked into fanciful shapes, a "picture bread", Salzkartoffeln - served as a side dish with melted butter, parsley, and bits of cooked bacon, Eintopf - leftovers that are used to make a popular stew,
German Foods
7th Grade
8th Grade
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