1) What does the prefix re- mean? a) not b) again c) before 2) What does the prefix un- mean? a) not b) again c) before 3) What does the prefix pre- mean? a) not b) again c) before 4) What does the prefix dis- mean? a) not b) again c) before 5) Not lucky a) unlucky b) undo c) prepare d) resell 6) Sell again a) resell b) unsell c) redo d) precook 7) Not agree a) redo b) unfair c) disagree d) pretest 8) Cook before a) pretest b) unhappy c) disobey d) precook 9) Happened before a) previous b) undo c) retake d) preschool 10) What does the suffix -less mean? a) without b) full of c) can be done 11) What does the suffix -ful mean? a) without b) full of c) act, process 12) What does the suffix -ion mean? a) can be done b) full of c) act, process 13) What does the suffix -able mean? a) can be done b) act, process c) without 14) To be able to disagree a) disagreeable b) skillful c) endless d) helpful 15) The process of electing a) action b) graceful c) helpful d) election 16) Without help a) endless b) helpless c) helpful d) graceful 17) The process of acting or being active a) helpful b) function c) action d) understandable 18) To be able to understand a) graceful b) understandable c) endless d) grateful 19) Not certain or exact a) questionable b) understandable c) graceful d) helpless 20) Able to agree a) questionable b) helpful c) agreeable d) graceful

Prefix and Suffix

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