1) I’m always so busy. I wish that I ________more free time. a) HAVE b) HAD c) HAD HAD 2) I hate traveling on buses. I wish I _______ a car a) HAVE b) HAD HAD c) HAD 3) It’s a pity you’re so far away. I wish you___________ here with me now. a) HAVE b) WERE c) HAD 4)  I wish that I _____ more at school. I’d probably have a better job now. a) HAD STUDIED b) STUDIED c) WOULD STUDY 5) It’s so cold outside. I wish I___________ go to school today. a) HAD TO b) DIDN'T HAVE TO c) WOULD HAVE TO 6) Andrew says he wishes he _________ smoking; he smokes twenty a day a) WOULD STOP b) HAD STOPPED c) COULD STOP 7) I wish we _______ to Malta for our holidays. Greece would be better, I think. a) HAVE GONE b) WENT c) HAD GO 8) I wish there _________ some way we could meet more often. We hardly see each other. a) WERE b) WAS c) WERE/WAS 9) I wish I ______________I’d go to the Alps for a week at Christmas a) WOULD SKI b) COULD SKI c) HADN'T SKYIED 10) I wish people ... kind to the poor. a) WAS b) COULD BE c) WERE


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