Temperance - this movement focused on trying to get people to stop drinking alcohol, Women's Suffrage - this movement focused on obtaining equal rights for women including the right to vote, suffrage - the right to vote, Seneca Falls Convention - a meeting held in New York to discuss women's rights which was organized by Elizabeth Cady Stanton & Lucretia Mott, Elizabeth Cady Stanton - an advocate for women's suffrage, Abolitionist - someone who wants to end slavery, Abolitionist Movement - focused on ending slavery in America, Underground Railroad - secret network of routes that helped runaway slaves escape to the North and Canada, Frederick Douglass - former slave and abolitionist; good speaker; published a newspaper called The North Star, William Lloyd Garrison - abolitionist and publisher of The Liberator, Dorothea Dix - advocated for better treatment for the mentally ill, Horace Mann - advocated for free public education for all, Second Great Awakening - religious revival that contributed to making major reforms in society to correct moral injustices, Transcendentalism - movement that emphasized an individual's ability to develop personal relationship and understanding with God, Declaration of Sentiments & Resolutions - written by Elizabeth Cady Stanton and adopted at Seneca Falls Convention; listed rights of women and grievances against men,
Reform Era
8th Grade
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خيارات الإرجاع
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تبديل القالب
إظهار الكل
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