This TURNED OUT TO BE such a dull interpretation. - this was discovered to be ..., The whole thing just falls apart. - = fails to amuse people, The film has a quality cast. - = good actors, Hollywood has completely botched this adaptation. - = has spoiled it, The characters are very well drawn. - = they are described very well., It has nothing to recommend it. - = It's not worth, Books simply don't translate well to the big screen. - = are not well adapted, It takes a certain kind of a film director to make a good movie out of a good book. - = Not all directors can make it, Expect your mind to be blown! - = Be ready to be impressed!, His take on Steig Larsons's "The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo" is absolutely remarkable. - = opinion, view on something, That's a bummer! - = That's a disappointing and unpleasant situation., You're in for a treat! - = something pleasant and enjoyable is waiting for you, The story is set in Sweden. - = it takes place in, The plot is gripping. - = it keeps your attention, The film builds up the suspense. - = makes you feel worried before something to happen,
Class 12 FL Review of a book/movie
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خيارات الإرجاع
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يجب الاشتراك
تبديل القالب
إظهار الكل
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فتح النتائج
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رمز الاستجابة السريعة
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