Evolution - The process of change in species and populations of organisms over time, Charles Darwin - proposed a theory to explain how adaptations could lead to evolution of new species, Species - a group of similar organisms that can interbreed and produce fertile offspring, Natural Selection - process by which organisms best suited to their environment survive and reproduce, Overproduction - organisms that produce lots of offspring increase the chance some will survive, Variation - within any population, the phenotypes of the organisms will vary somewhat affecting survival rate, Adaptations - Structures and behaviors that increase an organisms chance of survival tend to become more common in a population, Descent with modification - As conditions change, different traits may become more or less useful and the gene frequency of less useful traits decrease, Fitness - an organism's ability to to survive and reproduce, Speciation - the evolution of new species from an existing species, Geographic Isolation - when a physical barrier such as water divides a population into two separate populations that can no longer reach each other to interbreed, Pesticide Resistance - an organism's ability to withstand the effects of a harmful agent, Antibiotic Resistance - bacteria which have evolved and so that antibiotics are ineffective against them, Antibiotic - drug used to kill or slow the growth of bacteria,
Natural Selection
10th Grade
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