1) -s/-es a) more than one, third person b) feminine noun c) most d) action or process 2) -ing a) more than one, third person b) feminine noun c) action, process, or materials d) past tense 3) -ed a) feminine noun b) past tense c) action, process, or materials d) most 4) -ion a) action, process, state or condition (noun) b) past tense c) action, process, or materials d) more than 5) -ly a) action, process, or materials b) in a specified manner c) feminine noun d) past tense 6) -er/-or a) in a specified manner b) action, process, or materials c) one who, or more d) past tense 7) -al/-ial a) action, process, or materials b) relating to, having characteristics of (adj) c) one who d) in a specified manner 8) -able/-ible a) action, process, or materials b) one who c) able to d) past tense 9) -y a) action, process, or materials b) able to c) in a specified manner d) characterized by, being or having 10) -ness a) characterized by, being or having b) state of, condition of (noun) c) able to d) past tense 11) -ment a) action, process, or materials b) in a specified manner c) process of, or action d) state of, condition of (noun) 12) -ty/-ity a) state of (noun) b) process of, or action c) in a specified manner d) past tense 13) -ure a) indicating act, process, or result b) action, process, or materials c) state (noun) d) more than one 14) -ous a) full of, possessing the quality of (adj) b) action, process, or materials c) to make d) state (noun) 15) -en a) action, process, or materials b) full of, possessing te quality of (adj) c) past tense d) to make (verb) 16) -ive a) causing or making, that which, inclined to b) full of c) able to d) to make (verb) 17) -ful a) able to b) full of c) causing or making, that which, inclined to d) past tense 18) -less a) one who practices b) without c) full of d) able to 19) -ist a) without b) full of c) able to d) one who practices 20) -ess a) one who practices b) causing or making, that which, inclined to c) feminine nouns d) most 21) -est a) causing or making, that which, inclined to b) one who practices c) most d) past tense 22) -ant a) one who (n), inclined to (adj) b) causing or making, that which, inclined to c) full of d) without 23) -ance a) state or quality of (noun) b) causing or making, that which, inclined to c) without d) feminine nouns 24) -ent a) one who performs (n), inclined to perform (adj) b) feminine nouns c) able to d) state or quality of (noun) 25) -ence a) causing or making, that which, inclined to b) state, condition, action (noun) c) most d) past tense 26) -ic a) having characteristics of (adj) b) causing or making, that which, inclined to c) most d) one who 27) -ile a) state or quality of (adj) b) causing or making, that which, inclined to c) one who d) past tense 28) -ism a) state or quality (noun) b) feminine noun c) to make d) one who performs (n), inclined to perform (adj 29) -age a) action, process, or result of (noun) b) to make c) state or quality (noun) d) past tense 30) -fy/-ify a) cause, make, form into (verb) b) state or quality (noun) c) to make d) past tense 31) -ee a) one associated with, recipient of (n) b) to make c) state or quality (noun) d) feminine nouns 32) -ate a) state or quality of, (adj), verb b) one who performs c) feminine nouns d) more than one
5th Grade
تحرير المحتوى
لوحة الصدارة
عرض المزيد
عرض أقل
لوحة الصدارة هذه في الوضع الخاص حاليًا. انقر على
لتجعلها عامة.
عَطَل مالك المورد لوحة الصدارة هذه.
عُطِلت لوحة الصدارة هذه حيث أنّ الخيارات الخاصة بك مختلفة عن مالك المورد.
خيارات الإرجاع
اختبار الألعاب التلفزية
قالب مفتوح النهاية. ولا يصدر عنه درجات توضع في لوحة الصدارة.
يجب تسجيل الدخول
النمط البصري
يجب الاشتراك
تبديل القالب
إظهار الكل
ستظهر لك المزيد من التنسيقات عند تشغيل النشاط.
فتح النتائج
نسخ الرابط
رمز الاستجابة السريعة
استعادة الحفظ التلقائي: