1) In the Purim story, Megillat Esther, how did Esther become King Ahashuerus's Queen? a) Esther met King Ahashuerus on JDate. b) King Ahashuerus saw Esther drawing water from a well. c) Esther won a beauty contest. d) Esther's uncle Mordechai introduced them. 2) We think of a mitzvah as a "good deed" or act of charity. What does the word really mean in Hebrew? a) Commandment b) Holiness c) Loving-kindness d) Covenant 3) Joseph's 10 older brothers are very jealous of him because he is their father Jacob's favorite. What do they do to get back at him? a) They sell Joseph into slavery. b) They cut up the beautiful coat that Jacob gave to Joseph. c) They decide to win him over with kindness. d) They lose all of Jacob's sheep and blame Joseph. 4) When 2 angels tell Abraham and Sarah that they're going to have a baby, Sarah laughs. Why? a) Because Sarah and Abraham already had too many children and she didn't know where she would put the new one! b) Because Abraham had just told a joke. c) Because the angels looked like beggars and Sarah didn't believe them. d) Because Sarah was so old: 90. 5) On which two holidays do we blow the shofar? a) Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur b) Sukkot and Shavuot c) Rosh Hashanah and Sukkot d) Yom Kippur and Passover 6) What does Rosh Hashanah mean in English? a) "New Year's Eve" b) "Apple-and-Honey Time" c) "Birthday of the World" d) "Head of the Year" 7) Tu B'Shevat is a Jewish holiday known as "the birthday of _______." a) The Torah b) The Hebrew month of Shevat c) The trees d) The almonds 8) Which is a Hebrew phrase that expresses the Jewish value of repairing or healing the world? a) Hachnasat Orchim b) Bikor Cholim c) Tikkun Olam d) Gemilut Chasadim

End of Year Trivia - Kitah Gimmel


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