1) Cell phones shouldn’t be _________ in museums. a) fined b) allowed c) given 2) People who litter shouldn't be __________ at least a) encouraged b) allowed c) fined 3) People should be ___________ to vote a) given b) made c) changed 4) Laws have to be _________to ban smoking in all public places. a) passed b) arrested c) done 5) Young people ought to be _________a driving test every year until they are  a) banned b) made c) given 6) Smoking on city streets could easily be _________ . a) made b) passed c) banned 7) People shouldn't be _________ for not carrying an ID. a) arrested b) made c) changed

Verbs about rules (passive modals) - int 3

لوحة الصدارة

النمط البصري


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