1) ventilated cigarettes which restrcit the amont of nicotine a smoker recieves causes what a) The smoker taking longer, deeper puffs b) smoking more cigarettes c) smokingmore frequently d) all of these 2) Which one of the following statements is true? a) nicotine is not an addictive drug b) nicotine is addictive as heroin as cocaine c) Nicotine is more addictive than heroin d) None of the above 3) Smoking generally increases the risk of getting Type-2 Diabetes by: a) 10-15% b) 20-25% c) 30-40% d) 50-60% 4) Chemicals in cigarette smoke cause eye diseases by: a) Reducing blood flow to the small blood vessels in the eye b) Increasing the amount of nicotine in the blood c) Damaging the macular region of the retina d) Both a) and c) 5) The main chemical in cigarettes that stops the amount of oxygen getting to the unborn baby is a) Carbon Dioxide b) Nicotine c) Cadmium d) Ammonia 6) Third-hand smoke is: a) Smoke that is directly inhaled b) Smoke exhaled by one person, and inhaled by a bystander c) Smoke residue that lingers on carpets, clothes d) none of these 7) how many years does it take for cigarette butts to decompose a) 5 days b) 5 years c) 25 days d) 25 years 8) Smoking reduces a) Carbon dioxide levels b) White blood cell levels c) Red blood cell levels d) Blood pressure 9) Which of the following statements is true? a) electronic cigarettes do not contain nicotine b) electronic cigarettes are not proven to be safer c) electronic cigzarettes are safer than cigarettes

things you didnt know about smoking


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