1) How many papers are there in the exam? a) 4 b) 5 c) 6 2) What's the pass mark? a) about 60% b) about 65% c) about 70% 3) Do you need to pass all the papers? a) Yes, of course! b) No, passing most of them is enough. c) No, it's the total mark that is important. 4) How many parts are there in Paper I (Reading and Use of English)? a) 5 b) 6 c) 7 5) In Paper I, Part I (Multiple-choice cloze) do you lose marks if the answer is wrong? a) No, so take a chance if you don't know, you might be lucky. b) Yes, so only choose an answer if you are really sure. c) Sometimes - it depends on how the examiner is feeling. 6) In Paper 2 (Writing) do you have to answer all the questions? a) Yes, so write quickly. b) You must answer the question in Part I and any one question from Part 2. c) You can answer any two questions. 7) Can you use a highlighter? a) No. b) Yes, but only on the question paper. c) Yes, both on the question paper and on the answer sheet. 8) Which of the following can you take into the exam: a dictionary, a bottle of water, a lucky rabbit's foot? a) all of them b) none of them c) just the water and lucky rabbit's foot 9) All papers are worth the same number of marks. a) True b) False 10) In Paper 2 (Writing), Part 2, you should write between 120-180 words. a) True b) False 11) Contractions count as one word. a) True b) False 12) Spelling must always be correct in Paper 3 (Listening). a) True b) False 13) You can choose to take the Speaking test in a pair or a group of three. a) True b) False 14) Only the assessor awards marks during the Speaking test. a) True b) False 15) The questions are written at the top of the page in Parts 2 and 3 of the Speaking test. a) True b) False

FCE general information about the exam


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