1) Which is the correct spelling? a) curable b) cureable 2) Which is the correct spelling? a) videoing b) videing 3) Which is the correct spelling? a) exciteed b) excited 4) Which is the correct spelling? a) noticeing b) noticing 5) Which is the correct spelling? a) responseible b) responsible 6) Which is the correct spelling? a) shaking b) shakeing 7) Which is the correct spelling? a) argueable b) arguable 8) Which is the correct spelling? a) reversible b) reverseible 9) Which is the correct spelling? a) brakeing b) braking 10) Which is the correct spelling? a) unemploiable b) unemployable 11) Which is the correct spelling? a) played b) plaied 12) Which is the correct spelling? a) reliable b) relyable

Suffixes Spellings


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