True: The Titanic set sail from Southampton, England., Ice was commonly found in the Atlantic Ocean at that time of year., Icebergs are large chunks of ice that have broken off of glaciers., The Titanic had 16 safety compartments in case of flooding., The Titanic was part of the White Star Line., Only 3 ships answered the Titanic's distress signal., There was only room for about half of the passengers on the lifeboats., 706 people were rescued by the Carpathia., False: John Jacob Astor planned and designed the Titanic., John Jacob Astor planned and designed the Titanic., Most of the passengers on board were first-class passengers., Children were not allowed to sail on the Titanic., The bow is the back end of the ship., The Titanic broke into 3 pieces as it sank into the ocean., The Titanic sank on April 12, 1914., It took 30 years to find the wreckage of the Titanic.,

Titanic True/False


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