I (lose) my mobile phone!, I (go) scuba diving when I was on holiday., I (be) on TV yesterday!, I (get) a newmotorbike for my birthday!, I (leave) my wallet in a shop, but they returned it to me., I (get) 95% in my French exam., I finally (finish) my science project., I (learn) to play a new song on the guitar., I (break) a bone in my foot., I (drop) my dad's laptop., I (fall) asleep at my cousin's wedding..

Solutions Pre 1G Reacting and showing interest


لوحة الصدارة

البطاقات العشوائية قالب مفتوح النهاية. ولا يصدر عنه درجات توضع في لوحة الصدارة.

النمط البصري


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