Retention hyperkeratosis - acne prone skin to retain dead cells in follicle, Vitamin A - supports overall health of the skin; aids in health function; improves elasticity & thickness, Chloasma - "mask of pregnancy"; brown hyperpigmentation, Vitamin E - helps protect skins for harmful effects of the sun's UV light, Free radicals - unstable molecules that cause biochemical ageing, especially wrinkling sagging of the skin, Dermal papillae - small, cone-shaped elevations at the base of the hair follicles that fit into the hair bulb, Arrector Pili Muscles - small, involuntary muscles in the hair follicle that causes goosebumps, Keratoma - Acquired, superficial thickened patch of epidermis; hardened thicken area of skin, Bulla - large blister containing a watery fluid; similar to a vesicle but larger, Nodule - a solid bump larger that .4" that can be felt, Rosacea - chronic condition; cheeks, nose, and is characterized by flushing, Dermatologist - Physician who Specializes in diseases of the skin, hair and nails, Papule - "pimple"; small elevation on the skin that contains no fluid but may develop pus, Stain - abnormal brown-colored or wine-colored skin discoloration with a circular and/or irregular shape, Verruca - "wart"; hypertrophe on the papillae and epidermis,
#8 Ch 7 and Ch 8 Skin Disorders and Diseases
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