What famous person _____________ you _____________ (interview), if you _____________ (be) a journalist?, If you _____________ (start) studying a new language, what language _____________ you _____________ (study)?, If you _____________ (can) change one thing about yourself, what _____________ you _____________ (change)?, If you _____________ (stay) one age forever, what age _____________ it _____________ (be)?, If you _____________ (win) a lottery, what _____________ you _____________ (do)? , If you _____________ (eat) only one food for the rest of your life, what food _____________ you _____________ (choose)?, If you _____________ (meet) anyone, dead or alive, who _____________ you _____________ (choose) to meet?, If you _____________ (change) your name, what name _____________ you _____________ (choose)?, If you _____________ (be) the world’s best at something, what _____________ you _____________ (like) to be the world’s best at?, If you _____________ (travel) in time, _____________ you _____________ (prefer) to see the future or the past? Why?, If you _____________ (have) a choice to have no children or ten children, what _____________ you _____________ (choose)?, If you _____________ (have) any job, what job _____________ you _____________ (like) to have?, If you _____________ (not need) sleep, how _____________ you _____________ (spend) your nights?, If we _____________ (live) 300 years, how _____________ life _____________ (be) different?, If you _____________ (choose) your gender, what gender _____________ you _____________ (choose)—male or female?, If you _____________ (see) a rat in your house, what _____________ you _____________ (do)?, If you _____________ (have) a choice to be stuck on an island for 5 years alone or with someone you hate, what _____________ you _____________ (choose)?, If you _____________ (go) back in time and _____________ (change) your life, what _____________ you _____________ (do) differently?, If you _____________ (give up) a bad habit that you have today, what habit _____________ you _____________ (stop) having?, If you _____________ (change) one thing about the world today, what _____________ you _____________ (change)?, If you _____________ (be) invisible for a day, what _____________ you _____________ (do)?, If you _____________ (develop) one skill during one day, what skill _____________ it _____________ (be)?, If you _____________ (be) anyone in the world, who _____________ you _____________ (be)? (think about jobs), If you _____________ (be) an animal, what animal _____________ you _____________ (be)?, If you _____________ (have) a special power, what _____________ you _____________ (be) able to do?, If you _____________ (make) one change to your town, what _____________ you _____________ (change)?, If you _____________ (change) something in the history, what _____________ you _____________ (change)?, If you _____________ (have) billions and billions of dollars, how much _____________ you _____________ (give) to charity, and which charities? Why?, If you _____________ (go) on a date with anyone in the world, who _____________ it _____________ (be)?, If you _____________ (stop) studying English, _____________ your life _____________ (change)?, If you _____________ (tell) me all of your secrets, _____________ I _____________ (be) shocked?, If you _____________ (speak) seven other languages, what _____________ they _____________ (be)?, Where _____________ you _____________ (live) if you _____________ (can) live anywhere in the world?, If you _____________ (become) a rock star, what kind of songs _____________ you _____________ (sing) and what image _____________ you _____________ (have)?, If the world _____________ (be) going to end at 3.37 tomorrow afternoon, what _____________ you _____________ (do) up until that time?, If you _____________ (be) a colour, what colour _____________ you _____________ (be) and why?, If you _____________ (have) three wishes, what _____________ you _____________ (wish)?, Where _____________ you _____________ (go) if you _____________ (can) go anywhere in the world?, What _____________ you _____________ (do) if you _____________ (see) a ghost?, What _____________ you _____________ (do) if you _____________ (have) to catch a bus but you _____________ (not have) any money?, If you _____________ (have) $1000 dollars to spend within an hour, how _____________ you _____________ (spend) them?, If you _____________ (run) away from the police, where _____________ you _____________ (hide)?, If you _____________ (watch) a TV show for 24 hours, what show _____________ that _____________ (be)?, If you _____________ (choose) which three objects to take with you to a desert island, what _____________ you _____________ (take)?, If you _____________ (can) fly, how _____________ you _____________ (use) your new powers?, If you _____________ (spend) a day with a singer, who _____________ you _____________ (like) to spend the day with?, If you _____________ (be) an athlete, what sport _____________ you _____________ (like) to be good at?, If you _____________ (be) a comics super hero, who _____________ you _____________ (be)?, If you _____________ (be) famous, what _____________ you _____________ (like) to be famous for?, If the whole world _____________ (be) listening, what _____________ you _____________ (say)?, If one song _____________ (describe) your life, what song _____________ it _____________ (be)?, If you _____________ (be) invisible for a day what _____________ you _____________ (do) and why?, If you _____________ (change) one thing about your best friend, what _____________ it _____________ (be)? Why?, If you _____________ (change) one thing about yourself, what _____________ it _____________ (be)?, If you _____________ (choose) to live on a different planet, which one _____________ you _____________ (choose)? Why?, If you _____________ (can) hear what someone is thinking for a day, who _____________ you _____________ (choose)?, If you _____________ (discover) a new island, what _____________ you _____________ (name) it and why?, If you _____________ (have) any car you wanted, which car _____________ you _____________ (choose)?, If you only _____________ (listen) to one song for the rest of your life, which song _____________ you _____________ (choose)?, If only one book _____________ (exist), which book _____________ you _____________ (like) it to be?, If you _____________ (move) anywhere, where _____________ you _____________ (live)?, If you _____________ (have) to choose between a wonderful romantic relationship that would end after only a year, or a so-so relationship that would last your entire life, which one _____________ you _____________ (choose)?, If you _____________ (choose) between love and no money or money and no love for the rest of your life, which _____________ you _____________ (choose)?, If you _____________ (be) a candy, what candy _____________ you _____________ (be)?, If you _____________ (be) a monster, what monster _____________ you _____________ (be)?, If you _____________ (be) a toy, what toy _____________ you _____________ (be)?, If you _____________ (be) American/Chinese/Mexican, how _____________ your life _____________ (be) different?, If you _____________ (have) a chance to go to the moon, _____________ you _____________ (go)? Why or why not?, If you _____________ (be) invited to have tea with the Queen of England, what _____________ you _____________ (say/ ask)?.
second conditional discussion questions
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