Do you think you’d be / you are a good parent?, What would you do differently from your parents?, Do you think people should have to pass a test before they become parents?, If you could erase mistakes you have made as a parent, what would they be?, Should parents discipline their children? If yes, how? What forms of discipline work the best?, What traditions do you always follow that your parents began?, Is it a parent’s job to give their child whatever they want to make them happy? Why? / Why not?, What do you think are some of the most difficult problems faced by parents?, What are the names of some good books on parenting?, Should a good mother give up her job to stay at home with her children?, What kinds of things do/did you do with your children?, What makes a good parent?, Do you think it is okay for children to call their parents by their first names?, Do you think children are less independent now than they used to be?, Do you think parents nowadays bring up sons and daughters in the same way?.

F1B Parents and Children


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