What popular toy was involved with the birth of motion pictures? - Zoetrope, With autochrome film, the colors appeared… - Pastel, The brownie box had images that came out in what shape? - Round, How much was the first Kodak camera? - $25, What direction does the image come out in a camera obscura? - Upside Down, When was the first photo CD introduced by Kodak? - 1992, What was the birth of photography? - When Joseph Niepce placed a plate coated in butimen in a camera obscura, When and where was the birth of photography? - France in 1826, What chemical did Daguerre find was much more light sensitive than Niepce’s butimen? - Silver Iodide, What was Daguerre’s process named? - Daguerreotype, Who heard about the Daguerrotype and tried to claim that he was the first to invent the process? - William Henry Fox Talbot, When was the Daguerrotype introduced to the world? - January 7, 1839, What was the problem with the Silver Iodide plate? - It continued to darken, What was the solution to the silver iodide darkening? - Washing off the remaining silver iodide with warm salt water, Who developed sprockets and when? - Oscar Barnack in 1914, Why was the tintype used instead of glass? - It was cheaper, Who brought the Daguerrotype to America? - Samuel Morse, In 1880, Muybridge invented the - Zoogyroscope, or the Zoopraxiscope, The first instant colored film was developed in - 1963, People gazed at amazement at their own image calling them? - Mirrors with a Memory, What does the word photography mean in Greek? - Writing with Light, What is one reason that photographic portraits were more popular than painted portraits? - It was more accurate, What was the problem with sun pictures? - They continued to darken, What is a sprocket? - Holes in the side of the film, How does the camera obscura work? - Light enters through a small hole, projecting an upside down image on a glass plate, Explain how Talbot’s process was different from Daguerre’s - Talbot's process was a two step, positive/negative process., Explain Fredrick Scott Archer’s wet-plate process - This process used a smooth glass plate instead of a piece of paper, which allowed more positives to be produced from one negative., The Kodak Brownie Box was the cheapest camera to be introduced, costing only - $1, What was the most common type of photography used during the Civil War. - Tintype, Who started the chain of events that led to the birth of motion pictures. (first and last name) - Leland Stanford, The words camera obscura are Latin for - dark room, Muybridge projected his pictures on to a screen at - The California School of Fine Arts, These were leaves placed on leather that had been treated with silver salts. - Sun Pictures, Whose process is used as the basis for modern day prints. (first and last name) - William Henry Fox Talbot, Who invented the Kodak camera. - George Eastman, People who painted portraits for a living either had to _____________________ or ______________________. - go out of business, switch to be daguerreotypists., The camera obscura was made portable by putting it on a box with a pin hole on one side that projected the image on to a ______________. - Glass screen, Once the camera obscura's image was on a glass screen, the artist could easily ________ the image. - Trace, What was different about Kodachrome? - It was the first film that was three films in one. (All colored films in one film!),
History of Photography
9th Grade
10th Grade
11th Grade
12th Grade
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