Do you have to get up early for school? What time?, Do you have to walk to school? Do you like walking?, Do you have to wear a school uniform? if no, what do you wear?, Do you have to do homework at the weekend? How long does it take you?, Do you have to work with computer every day? How do you use it?, Do you have to visit relatives on Sunday? Whom?, Do you have to cook dinner? If no, who has to?, Do you have to clean the house? When do you do it?, Do you have to wash the dishes after you eat? Do you like it?, Do you have to go to the supermarket/shop at the weekend? What do you usually buy?, Do you have to tidy your room? How often do you do it?, Do you have to take out the rubbish? If so, how often?, Do you have to get dressed every morning? What do you usually wear?, Who has to vacuum the floor in your family?.

Have to Solutions Elementary

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