1) Tool for creating straight lines. a) Line b) Box Array c) Radial Array d) Pattern Fill 2) Tool for creating circles. a) Scale b) Radial Array c) Circle d) Rotate 3) Tool for creating ellipses. a) Ellipse b) Solid c) Box Array d) Trim 4) Tool for creating an arc (curve). a) Arc b) Copy c) Ellipse d) Extend 5) Tool for creating a rectangle. a) Radial Array b) Mirror c) Scale d) Rectangle 6) Make an exact copy (duplicate) of a selected object. a) Copy b) Zoom c) Profile d) Radial Array 7) Moves closer to an object, making it look bigger on screen. a) Zoom b) Scale c) Pattern Fill d) Rotate 8) Makes a copy of an object, but it is a mirror image of the original. a) Circle b) Arc c) Extend d) Mirror 9) Shortens the length of a line, or can remove part of a line. a) Radial Array b) Trim c) Mirror d) Fillet 10) Spins the object around by a chosen number of degrees. a) Rotate b) Mirror c) Model Tree d) Circle 11) Increases the length of a line to meet another line. a) Zoom b) Scale c) Line d) Extend 12) Adds a 45° angle to a corner of the selected object. a) Zoom b) Solid c) Offset d) Chamfer 13) Adds a radius (curve) to a corner of the selected object. a) Profile b) Box Array c) Fillet d) Ellipse 14) Adds a hatching pattern to the selected object. a) Zoom b) Linear Array c) Pattern Fill d) Model Tree 15) Increases the overall size of the selected object, making it bigger or smaller. a) Scale b) Ellipse c) Chamfer d) Rectangle 16) Duplicates an object multiple times in a straight line. a) Linear Array b) Mirror c) Chamfer d) Fillet 17) Makes lots of exact copies of an object that are laid out in a grid pattern. a) Circle b) Copy c) Box Array d) Linear Array 18) Makes lots of exact copies of an object that are laid out in a clock face pattern. a) Line b) Arc c) Radial Array d) Zoom 19) Duplicates a selected object at an increased size inside/ outside the original. a) Copy b) Rotate c) Offset d) Pattern Fill 20) A toolbar which shows all of the features and profiles. Organised using branches to show how each profile and feature are connected. a) Zoom b) Mirror c) Model Tree d) Profile 21) The term used to describe any 2D shape/ sketch before it is converted to a solid. a) Scale b) Zoom c) Profile d) Mirror 22) A 3D feature created using a command such as Extrude, Revolve, or Loft. a) Solid b) Chamfer c) Linear Array d) Radial Array

S2/3 GC - 2D CAD Commands & Terms 01

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