cerebrum - control conscious thought, language and intelligence, CNS - Central Nervous System: brain and spinal cord, cerebellum - coordinates balance and muscle control, insulin - released by the pancreas when blood sugar too high, converts glucose to glycogen, which is stored in the liver , receptors - detect stimuli/sensory information in nerves or found on target tissue for specific hormones, hormone - chemical messenger transported, through the blood, from a gland to the target organ/tissues, glucagon - released by the pancreas when blood sugar falls and converts glycogen to glucose, electrical impulses - carry messages along neurons. In a reflex arc it goes from sensory neuron to inter neuron to motor neuron, effectors - muscle or gland that brings about a response (contraction/release hormone), medulla - regulates breathing, heart rate and peristalsis, endocrine glands - structure which produce and secrete hormones, reflex actions - rapid involuntary protective movements,

N5 Bio 2.2 Control and communication


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