Mercantilism - policies designed to sell as many good as you could, while buying as few as possible, Vasco Da Gama - Sailed for Portugal, established ports in India, Ferdinand Magellan - Spanish explorer, became the first man to circumnavigate the globe, Galleons - Heavily armed Spanish ships that carried silver from Mexico to East Asia, Jacques Cartier - sailed from the Atlantic into the St. Lawrence River. Claimed land for France, Northwest Passage - European explorers sought this navigable passage as a trade route to Asia,, Samuel de Champlain - French explorer, helped establish the trading post of Quebec, Jamestown - 1st successful English colony in America, Henry Hudson - Claimed the Hudson River Valley and Manhattan for the Dutch. Established New Amsterdam., John Cabot - English explorer who claimed lands in Newfoundland and the Chesapeake Bay.,

Explorers Match-Up

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