1) Choose the correct spelling: a) although b) allthough c) althou d) althouhg 2) Choose the correct spelling: a) boght b) bought c) bouhgt d) borght 3) Choose the correct spelling: a) brouhgt b) brought c) broght d) brougt 4) Choose the correct spelling: a) fought b) fawt c) foght d) foughte 5) Choose the correct spelling: a) ort b) ought c) oughte d) out 6) Choose the correct spelling: a) though b) thow c) thogh d) thouhg 7) Choose the correct spelling: a) thoughte b) thought c) thawt d) thorte 8) Choose the correct spelling: a) throughe b) throogh c) through d) thrugh 9) Choose the correct spelling a) doughter b) daughter c) dawter d) dowter 10) Choose the correct spelling a) laughter b) lafter c) laghter d) laugher 11) Choose the correct spelling a) laff b) lough c) lagh d) laugh

Ough and Augh

لوحة الصدارة

النمط البصري


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