Precedent - A standard to be followed in the future., Cabinet - Official advisers to the president., Domestic Policy - decisions made by the government about what happens in the country, Judicial Review - The power of the Supreme Court to declare a law unconstitutional., Political Party - A group of people with the same political beliefs that attempt to influence government policy, Republic - a country ruled by representatives of the people, Unconstitutional - government action that violates the rights defined and granted in the constitution, Foreign Policy - A country's ways of dealing with other countries., Neutrality - A policy in which a country does not involve itself in conflicts between other countries., Tariffs - A tax placed on an imported good, Nationalism - belief that one's own country is better than any other country. , Alien - A person from a foreign country; immigrant, Sedition - Encouraging people to rebel against the government, Marbury Vs. Madison - Court case that established Judicial Review, Monroe Doctrine - Policy warning Europe to stop colonizing North and South America, frontier - unexplored wilderness at the edge of the country, The American System - a proposal to the government that called for taxes on imports, federally funded transportation projects, and a new national bank, folk art - made by ordinary people (as opposed to trained artists) using traditional methods, spiritual - a religious folk song of African American origin, capitalism - an economic system based on the private ownership of farms and businesses,
Early Republic Vocabulary
تحرير المحتوى
لوحة الصدارة
عرض المزيد
عرض أقل
لوحة الصدارة هذه في الوضع الخاص حاليًا. انقر على
لتجعلها عامة.
عَطَل مالك المورد لوحة الصدارة هذه.
عُطِلت لوحة الصدارة هذه حيث أنّ الخيارات الخاصة بك مختلفة عن مالك المورد.
خيارات الإرجاع
قالب مفتوح النهاية. ولا يصدر عنه درجات توضع في لوحة الصدارة.
يجب تسجيل الدخول
النمط البصري
يجب الاشتراك
تبديل القالب
إظهار الكل
ستظهر لك المزيد من التنسيقات عند تشغيل النشاط.
فتح النتائج
نسخ الرابط
رمز الاستجابة السريعة
استعادة الحفظ التلقائي: