1) How do you split the word "rodeo" a) ro de o b) rode o c) ro deo 2) How do you split the word "poem" a) poem b) p o e m c) po em 3) How do you split the word "pioneer" a) pion eer b) pi o neer c) pio neer 4) How do you split the word "cameo" a) cam e o b) ca me o c) came o 5) How do you split the word "hyena" a) hyen a b) hy e na c) hy ena 6) How do you split the word "leotard" a) l eotard b) leo tard c) le o tard 7) How do you split the word "meteor" a) me te or b) mete or c) me teor 8) How do you split the word "quiet" a) quie t b) qui et c) qu i e t 9) How do you split the word "reopen" a) reop en b) re open c) re o pen 10) How do you split the word "triangle" a) trian gle b) tri an gle c) tri angle 11) cooperate a) coo per ate b) co ope rate c) co op er ate 12) collaborate a) col lab o rate b) co llab or ate c) col lab o rate

Wilson 12.1 splitting multisyllabic words


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