1) Why is it important to keep hair damp when cutting? a) Hair is easier to control when wet b) Quicker to cut when wet c) Guidelines are cleaner when hair is wet d) Client's prefer their hair wet when cutting 2) What are the factors that need to be considered during the cutting process? a) How much time the client's appointment is b) The client's hair growth patterns c) The client's lifestyle d) The client's hair density e) The colour of the client's hair f) The length of the client's hair 3) What are the visual checks required to ensure the finished cut and outlines are accurate and why is this important? a) Stand back from the client and check around the head to see if the cut is evenly balanced. b) Stand back and use the mirror it see if shape is even and balanced. c) Stand close to the head to see if cut is even. 4) Why is it important to confirm your client is satisfied with the finished look? a) To ensure your client is happy with the service. b) To give the client the opportunity to say they are happy are not happy before they leave.  c) To tell the client you have finished the service.. 5) What is the potential risk of ingrown hair resulting from continual close cutting? a) This doesn't cause any problems.  b) This could cause an infection in the hair follicle. c) This could cause folliculitis. 6) Why is it important to ensure the finished look is even, symmetrical and balanced in relation to your client’s facial contour? a) To ensure the overall shape suits the client's face shape.  b) As this will not suit the client's face shape.  c) To create an asymmetric look. d) To ensure cut is evenly balanced. 7) What is the correct method to dispose of sharps? a) In the waste bin. b) In a re-cycle bin. c) In a sharps bin. 8) What angle do you use for a long graduation a) 180 b) 90 c) 0 d) 45 e) 135 9) Your client has a double crown how do you deal with this ?  a) leave it out of the haircut  b) cut it very short c) leave it longer

Cutting Hair


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النمط البصري


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