① - be a wise man or a shepherd?, ② - have written the gospel of John or the gospel of Matthew?, ③ - live in Bethlehem or Nazareth?, ④ - have heard God's voice at Jesus' baptism or at Jesus' transfiguration?, ⑤ - be the woman who touched Jesus' cloak or the deaf girl?, ⑥ - live in Jesus' time or modern times?, ⑦ - be a child Jesus blessed or an adult Jesus healed?, ⑧ - be James (Jesus' brother) or James (Jesus' disciple)?, ⑨ - be Peter or the 11 disciples who stayed in the boat?, ⑩ - have dinner with Moses or Elijah?, ⑪ - have heard Jesus' sermons or witnessed Jesus' miracles, ⑫ - be the wondering sheep or one of the 99?, ⑬ - the worker who was hired first or the worker who was hired last?, ⑭ - watch the Triumphal entry or watch Jesus cleanse the Temple?, ⑮ - travel to Bethlehem pregnant or travel to Egypt with an infant/toddler?, ⑯ - be John the Baptist or John the disciple?,
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