biodiversity means - sustainability, cell theory - all cells come from preexisting cells, cells are the basic unit of life, all living things are made of cells , predator hunts...... - prey, parasite feeds on..... - host, consumer eats.... - producer, primary succession - when organisms start to live on a new or freshly exposed land; no plant or animal has lived on it before; example is a volcanic island, secondary succession - when animals repopulate a previously populated land; example is after a fire, pioneer species in primary succession - lichen, pioneer species in secondary succession - grass, natural selection - when the survival of the fittest happens, selective breeding - when humans select desired genetics to be passed on, advantage of asexual reproduction - quick and doesn't require many resources, disadvantage of asexual reproduction - uniform offspring, advantage of sexual reproduction - diverse offspring, disadvantage of sexual reproduction - takes 2 parents; takes lots of time and resources, happens at a divergent boundary - rift valley, happens at a convergent boundary - ocean trench, happens at a transform boundary - fault, nebula - clouds of dust and gas; site of star formation; remains of dead or dying stars, star - luminous globe of gas which produces its own heat and light by nuclear reaction, universe - all of space and its contents, Planet - a large body that is orbiting the sun or another star; cannot be a star itself, moon - a natural satellite that orbits a planet or asteroid, asteroid - a small rocky object that orbits the sun; much smaller than a planet, meteor - a shooting star; a small object from space that has entered earth’s atmosphere, comet - a small frozen ball of gas, dust, and rock that orbits the sun, galaxy - a system of stars and associated matter, held together by gravitational attraction, solar system - one star and its associated matter, luminosity - total amount of light (energy) emitted by a star or other celestial body, genes - an instruction manual for your body,
General Review
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