Name at least 2 things that can make a BANG, What do you think about men HOOTING at women as they drive past, Think of 2 situations when someone would speak in a HUSHED voice, What is the difference between SCREAMING, ROARING and GROWLING?, Think of 2 words that can describe the noise the doors can make, Think of 3 words that can collocate with DEAFENING, You hear a loud SPLASH. What could that be? , Name 3 collocations (VERBS) with NOISE, What can you be plunged into?, Describe 2 situations that can jangle your nerves?, Name 3 eerie sounds, Name three things that can make CRUNCHING sounds., Think of something that can provide a buffer against (something) or act as a buffer between (something and something), What's your pet peeve that involves disturbing or annoying noises? .

Sounds and Noises - Empower C1

لوحة الصدارة

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