Schema - A mental framework of beleifs and expectations that influence cognitive processing., Animal Communication - The exchange of information between animals within the same species using a variety of signals. Some of these signals are vocal, some are more visual or involve smell. , Language - A communication system unique to humans. It consists of a set of arbitrary conventional symbols through which meaning is conveyed. , Eye Contact - When two people look at each other's eyes at the same time., Verbal Communication - The use of words as a way of expressing your thoughts and how you feel., Body Language - The way in which attitudes and feelings are communicated to others through unspoken movements and gestures. , Closed Posture - For example, having arms or legs crossed. These suggest that the person is is disagreement with what is being said, or possibly annoyed. , Open Posture - A relaxed posture without arms and legs crossed, which shows a person is listening during social interaction and is in agreement with what is being said. , Postural Echo - The morroring of body positions during social interactions. Tends to suggest people are getting on well or are friendly towards each other. , Culture - The beliefs and expectations that surround us., Gender - A person's sense of maleness or femaleness., Personal Space - An invisible and portable 'bubble' that surrounds each individual. , Status - A persons social and professional position. ,

Language, Thought and Communication: Revision


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