1) What does the IEP tell us? a) support in instruction b) students who don't need special educations services c) support in related services d) support in materials 2) What does low functioning autism might consist of?  a) impaired ability in communication b) impaired ability in hearing 3) Why is the IEP important? a) provides information on academics b) provides information on communication c) provides information on behavior d) provides information on classroom environment setup 4) What are some challenges in the learning environment? a) comprehension b) language skills and communication c) social interactions and development d) attention 5) A student learns better through manipulatives. What type of learner is this? a) visual b) kinesthetic c) auditory 6) A student learns better through visuals. What type of learner is this? a) kinesthetic b) visual c) auditory 7) A student learns better through sounds. What type of learner is this? a) auditory b) visual c) kinesthetic 8) How can we best support transitions and routines? a) Furniture with visuals b) Colored Folders c) Visual Schedules d) Putting them in a new environment right away 9) A LFA student is nonverbal. How can we best support the student? a) only speaking verbally b) communication book with picture visuals c) Modeling Language with Visuals d) Instruction in using language using DTT 10) A LFA student has a hard time with social interactions. How can we best support the student? a) Social stories b) Role Playing c) Modeling Language 11) What should we ask ourselves when thinking about a student's motivation? a) What does the student enjoy? b) What does the student dislike? c) How can I make the curriculum more difficult? 12) What is an example of a SMART goal? a) The student will read by the end of the year. b) The student will write a paragraph.  c) The student will get 100% accuracy in every test. d) The student will use self-calming strategies when becoming overwhelmed 3 out 5 times in a day. 13) What does a parent's opinion provide educators? a) favorite recipes b) strengths in behaviors 14) What questions can we ask when incorporating strengths into the curriculum or IEP? a) How do I make the curriculum more challenging? b) What does the student excel in?

IEP for Low Functioning Autism (LFA)


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