Not surprisingly, his portfolio was th spitting image  - of hers, that's why the HR ..., Among all the martial law rules - and regulations, the one that annoys me the most is about ..., At the end of the performance, the audience was - gripped by fear because ..., My doubts about the weed legalization law   - emerge from ..., I don't freak out - often, but when I do it's usually because ..., The Presidernt thought long and - hard about the situation but eventually decided to..., I'm sure the project still contains some errors - here and there, but I hope ..., Because the case made such a buzz among the citizens - the judge was compelled to ..., I believe the most important question - that should be raised during the next UN meeting is the one of ..., There is no use in going to the gym - only every now and then, what you need is ...,

Outcomes Advanced unit 1


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