1) Where ……………………… you been? a) did b) was c) were d) have e) has 2) I ……………………… at school yesterday.  a) did b) was c) were d) have e) has 3) Mr Parker ……………………… not mark my essay yesterday. a) did b) was c) were d) have e) has 4) We ……………………… just eaten our lunch. a) did b) was c) were d) have e) has 5) So far Paul ……………………… visited 3 continents. a) did b) was c) were d) have e) has 6) ……………………… she in church last Sunday? a) Did b) Was c) Were d) Have e) Has 7) Brian and Emily ……………………… known each other since childhood. a) did b) was c) were d) have e) has 8) ……………………… your parents at home yesterday? a) Did b) Was c) Were d) Have e) Has 9) Who ……………………… done it? a) did b) was c) were d) have e) has 10) Where ……………………… Sarah spend her last holiday? a) did b) was c) were d) have e) has 11) Everybody ……………………… forgotten about that meeting. a) did b) was c) were d) have e) has 12) How many times ……………………… Adam taken a driving test? a) did b) was c) were d) have e) has 13) Richard and his wife ……………………… in the supermarket 2 hours ago. a) did b) was c) were d) have e) has 14) I ……………………… really sad last week. a) did b) was c) were d) have e) has 15) Eve ……………………… just cleaned her room. a) did b) was c) were d) have e) has 16) Miley ……………………… improved her marks this term. a) did b) was c) were d) have e) has 17) ……………………… you pay the rent last month? a) Did b) Was c) Were d) Have e) Has 18) Simon ……………………… never played volleyball. a) did b) was c) were d) have e) has

Present Perfect vs Past Simple

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النمط البصري


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