You ____ sleepy. She ____ happy. We ____ thirsty. They ____ hungry. I ____ worried! He ____ confused. It ____ cold! Matt ____ tired. Mariana and I ____ scared! Joana ____ a shy person. I ____ a student. Betina ____ an architect. Guilherme ____ a bus driver. Pedro and I ____ engineers. You ____ a nurse. Bruno and Eric ____ police officers. Sarah and Monica ____ dentists. I ____ upset. Cristiano Ronaldo and Messi ____ soccer players. Jennifer Lopez ____ a singer and an actress. Marta ____ a Brazilian soccer player. Cavani and Suárez ____ from Uruguay. Billie Eilish ____ an american singer.

Feelings, Occupations and Nationalities - Verb to Be - Present Simple

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النمط البصري


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