1607 - Jamestown was established, 1620 - Pilgrims arrive in Plymouth and write Mayflower Compact, New England Colonies - Massachusetts, Connecticut, Rhode Island and Connecticut, Middle Colonies - New York, New Jersey, Delaware, Pennsylvania, Southern Colonies - Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Maryland, and Georgia, Georgia - Colony established as a safe place for debtors, Pilgrims, Catholics and Quakers - Immigrated to America for religious freedom, House of Burgesses - 1st example of a representative government, Mayflower Compact - 1st example of self-government, Fundamental Orders of Connecticut - First written constitution in America, New England Colonies geography - Long winters and thin, rocky soil, Middle Colonies geography - Mild climate and fertile soil, Southern Colonies geography - Warm, humid climate and fertile soil, Quakers - Settled in Pennsylvania, Catholics - Settled in Maryland, Plantations - Large farms located in southern colonies, Cash crops - Tobacco, rice, cotton and indigo, Roger Williams - Founder of Rhode Island, Great Awakening - Religious revival led by Jonathan Edwards and George Whitefield, Mercantilism - Colonies provide raw materials to England in exchange for manufactured goods, Representative Government - people vote for their leaders,
13 Colonies
8th Grade
Social studies
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