He ____ brave. I ____ happy. She ____ sad. We ____ tired. They ____ lazy. Kate and I ____ thirsty. Nick ____ at the bus stop. Tom and Bob ____ friends. We ____ hungry. My parents ____ at home. He ____ clever. We ____ bored. She ____ Ukrainian. We ____ young. My dolls ____ new. She ____ short. My car ____ blue. I ____ at work. He ____ in the garden. It ____ cold and cloudy. He ____ 10 years old. My friends ____ relaxed. Ann ____ from England. My cat ____ brown. We ____ pupils. Susan ____ 11 years old. Maria ____ a girl. The children ____ in the park. I ____ a student. She ____ surprised.

لوحة الصدارة

أكمل الجملة قالب مفتوح النهاية. ولا يصدر عنه درجات توضع في لوحة الصدارة.

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