Use a Kelso's Choice : She got in my spot in line, He's not letting me play , They said I am not their friend, They picked their nose , At recess I want to play tag but no one will play with me., The teacher said we have to do our unfished work first. But the person next to me is doing ST Math first., I want to sit with my friend at lunch but there are no more seats, My sister won't let me have a turn, There is only one cookie left and my brother and I both want it, Speak-up to an ADULT: I've asked him to stop and tried to ignore him but he keeps calling me names, I cannot find my class. They aren't at recess or the classroom., On my bus kids are playing a game where they are pinching to see who cries first., My friend said someone at home is hurting her., I do not understand the directions. I asked a neighbor but I still need help., I don't have pencil and I asked my neighbors but no one has one to share with me, I see two kids in the bathroom looking under the stalls , I see a man calling for his lost dog. He asked me to help him find it, My teacher asked a classmate and me to take the lunch count. My classmate was running down the hall being really loud. ,

Assertion - Speak-up or Kelso

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