to be addicted to (Fifty million Americans are addicted to nicotine.) - бути залежним від, to be angry with ('Please don’t be angry with me, ’ she said. - сердитися на, to be angry at (They are angry at the way they have been treated.)  - сердитися через, to be aware of (The children are aware of the danger of taking drugs.) - усвідомлювати, to be curious about (He was curious about how she would react.) - цікавитися чимось, to be familiar with (Are you familiar with this type of machine?) - бути знайомим з, to be good at (Alex is very good at languages.) - бути гарним у , to be harmful to (Some chemicals are harmful to the environment.) - бути шкідливим для, to be shocked at (He is shocked at what happened to his son.) - бути в шоці від, to be unhappy with ( We were all unhappy with the quality of the service.)  - бути нещасливим через, to be worried about (I’m really worried about my brother.)  - переживати через,

Solutions intermediate U 5E adjectives with prepositions

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