1) What is the opposite of accept? a) receive b) reject c) give 2) What is the opposite of alarmed? a) comforted b) scared c) afraid 3) What is the opposite of ancient? a) old b) aged c) modern 4) What is the opposite of asleep? a) awake b) tired c) sleepy 5) What is the opposite of bare? a) uncovered b) covered c) exposed 6) What is the opposite of best? a) superior b) top c) worst 7) What is the opposite of bitter? a) sweet b) harsh c) sour 8) What is the opposite of cause? a) effect b) source c) start 9) cease a) stop b) start c) halt 10) combine a) mix b) stir c) separate 11) command a) obey b) tell c) order 12) copy a) duplicate b) repeat c) original 13) crooked a) curvy b) straight c) bendy 14) dead a) alive b) not alive c) gone 15) double a) two b) twins c) single 16) empty a) full b) alone c) solo 17) evil a) bad b) wrong c) good 18) exit a) entrance b) leave c) out 19) fancy a) dressed up b) plain c) formal dress 20) gather a) group b) take in c) scatter 21) individual a) group b) one c) single 22) loose a) big b) tight c) baggy 23) private a) personal b) special c) public 24) shiny a) shimmery b) dull c) glossy 25) sink a) down b) bottom c) float 26) slavery a) freedom b) chains c) bonds 27) solid a) flat b) liquid c) smooth 28) strong a) weak b) powerful c) muscular 29) true a) false b) honest c) correct 30) vanish a) disappear b) appear c) gone

Antonyms 3rd grade Gameshow Quiz

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