DNSenum - Harvesting Tool to collect an organizations DNS servers records, TheHarvester - Gathers OSINT, enumerates email accounts, employee names and other related information, HashCat - Used to crack irreversible password hash digest for password recovery, NetCat - TCP/IP Terminal utility, allows for connections to TCP/UDP ports. , Sn1per - automated scanner that can automate the process of collecting data for the exploration and penetration testing., Curl - Can get raw URL data, Scanless - Third part tool used for Port scanning to hide the source., PathPing - Command line utility combining both aspects of ping and tracert, Cuckoo - automated malware analysis system. (Sandbox), Nessus - Popular network vulnerability scanner, John the Ripper - Open source password cracking tool, WireShark - Powerful Packet Capturing tool, MemDump - Taking all information content in RAM and writing it to a storage drive, FTK imager - Creating images of hard drives, CDs and USB devices, also features data preview capabilities. Used in digital forensics, Autopsy - Command line digital investigation analysis tools in The Sleuth Kit. Used in digital forensics, WinHex - Hexadecimal editor for the Windows operating system. It is used for forensics, data recovery, low-level data processing, and IT security., Pcap - WireShark file extension,
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