Psychoanalysis - Free association and dream analysis - not used very often, but Sigmund Freud helped develop the basic concepts of mental health and illness and defense mechanisms, Interpersonal Theory - Help reduce loneliness by helping the client communicate with others, improve relationships and social functioning, Cognitive Theory - Identify thoughts producing anxiety, examine causes, develop supportive ideas to replace negative self-talk, Behavioral Theory - Idea the behavior and personality are learned, no concern with inner conflicts, Cognitive - Behavioral Therapy - Identify and change thoughts to affect behaviors - most widely used therapy, Humanistic Theory - Maslow's hierarchy of needs: Physiological needs, safety, love & belonging, esteem, and self actualization, Interpersonal Relations Theory - Peplau - nursing theory that uses the nurse-client relationship to help make positive changes with the client in the center, Psychosocial Development - Eriksons stages of development based on age and developmental tasks being accomplished or failed, Positive Reinforcement (+) - A component of operant conditioning where a stimulus in introduced when a behavior is initiated, Negative Reinforcement (-) - A component of operant conditioning where a stimulus in removed when a behavior is initiated, Systematic Desensitization - Assigning behavior tasks specific to patient fears used with relaxation techniques, Aversion Therapy - Pairing negative stimulus with specific behavior to reduce behavior, Biofeedback - This helps client gain control body’s physiological response to stress and anxiety,
Theory and Therapies
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