Why are sponsors taken in Confirmation? Sponsors in Confirmation, like those in Baptism, present the candidates to the ____ and undertake to see that the child is brought up in the ____ Faith and in the practice of his ____. What is required of sponsors in Confirmation? 1) They must be practicing ____ 2) They must have been ____ and able to fulfill their duties as ____ guardians. 3) They must be different from the ____ sponsors. How many sponsors are necessary? There should be ____ sponsor for each candidate, a ____ for boys and a godmother for girls. May one or two sponsors stand for all the candidates? When it is altogether ____ for the candidates to have each his ____ sponsor, at least ____ men shall act as sponsors for the boys and two ____ as sponsors for the girls. Who chooses the sponsor? the sponsor is chosen by the ____ or by his ____ or guardians; otherwise by the bishop or parish priest. What are the duties of sponsors during Confirmation? 1) They should accompany the candidates and ____ them to the ____ at the ____. 2) While the candidate is being confirmed, they should physically touch his shoulder with their ____ hand, standing immediately behind him. What are the duties of sponsors after Confirmation? They should take a ____ interest in their ____ children and should see that they receive a Christian ____ whenever the parents ____ in this duty. Does the sponsor contract a spiritual relationship? Sponsors contract a ____ relationship with the persons for whom they stood, but this is no longer an impediment to ____. May clerics or members of religious orders act as sponsors? ____, this is ____ without ____ permission. What are the duties of parents whose children are to be confirmed? 1) They should not neglect to have their children receive the ____ at the proper time. 2) They must send them ____ to the preparatory instructions. 3) They should ____ them in order to make a good confession ____ receiving Confirmation. 4) After Confirmation they must ____ that their children receive the sacraments of ____ and of Holy ____ frequently. What are the duties of the confirmed? Those who have been confirmed should: 1) Thank God the Holy Ghost for the ____ bestowed upon the ____. 2) Promise steadfastly to ____ their ____ and live up to it. 3) ____ the anniversary day of Confirmation.

Sponsors & Parents


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