1) Shannon who is 14 will need how much iron per day a) 12mg b) 14.8mg c) 15.6mg d) 25mg 2) Shannon will need what vitamin to help iron absorption? a) vitamin D b) Vitmain A c) Vitamin K d) Vitamin C 3) Shannon and john both need a good supply of calcium in their diets to keep their bones strong  a) True b) False 4) Shannon needs 41.2g of what a day as she is growing a) carbohydrates b) water c) protein d) Fat 5) John has type 2 diabetes. He therfore needs to be careful of eating too much of what type of fat a) unsaturated b) polyunsaturated c) saturated d) Omega 3 6 and 9 6) Shannon and John both need to eat what type of carbohydrates a) simple b) complex 7) What vitamin is needed to help the body adsorb calcium  a) A b) K c) B d) D 8) Which vitamin is harder for older people like John to absorb a) B12 b) C c) D d) E 9) Shannon has coeliac disease. this is an intolerance to what a) Milk b) Gluten c) lactose d) nuts 10) which of the following foods can she eat a) pasta b) rice c) bread d) pizza 11) John should eat no more that how much salt daily? a) 6g b) 4g c) 12g d) 8g 12) Only Shannon should follow the eat well guide as John has type 2 diabetes  a) true b) false 13) Both Shannon and John should be eating how much fibre a) 15g b) 29g c) 19g d) 30g 14) essential amino acids found in proteins can be manufactured by the body a) false b) true 15) both Shannon and john should drink about how much water a day a) 3litres b) 4litres c) 2 litres d) 1 litre 16) gluten is found in what a) barley corn and rye b) wheat barley and rye c) wheat oats and barley d) Rye porridge and spelt 17) what are the symptoms of coeliac disease a) tooth ache b) fainting c) sweating d) abdominal pain

nutritional needs


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