1) A bunch of picked flowers. a) bouquet b) fussy c) encircle d) whirl e) emotion 2) Pictures of people, usually showing only the face and upper part of the body. a) whirl b) encirle c) bouquet d) portrait e) emotion 3) Something that ________ shines in quick, bright flashes. a) express b) emotions c) Sparkles d) whirl e) bouquet 4) To surround or form a circle around. a) fussy b) emotion c) portrait d) express e) encircle 5) Hard to please or picky. a) fussy b) encircle c) whirl d) emotion e) bouquet 6) To say or show something. a) express b) portrait c) fussy d) sparkle e) whirl

Wonders Unit 5 week 4


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