Global Economy - The interconnected economies of the nations of the world., Imports - The buying or bringing in goods from other countries., Exports - The selling and shipping of goods to another country., Trade Barriers - A restriction on goods entering or leaving a country., Tariffs - A kind of trade barriers,tax imposed by a government on imported or exported goods., Gross Domestic Product - The total value of all goods produced during the year., Exporter - Every year, the United States is usually one of the top BLANK that ship automotive vehicles out to non-U.S territories., International trade - The exchange of goods and service among nations., Free trade - Commercial exchange between nations that is conducted on free market principles without restrictive regulations., Balance of trade - The difference in value between exports and imports of a nation., Quota - Limits the quantity or the monetary value of a product that may be imported., Embargo - A total ban on specific goods coming into and leaving a country., Protectionism - A government establishment of economic policies that systematically restrict imports in order to protect domestic industries., World trade organization - A coalition of nations that makes rules governing international trade., NAFTA - An international trade agreement among the United States and Mexico.,

Marketing Chapter 4 Key Terms


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