1) A person suffering with seasonal affective disorder would be expected to be most depressed when a) it is nightime b) there is a full moon c) they travel to the South d) their sleep has been interrupted by noise e) it is winter 2) Which of the following may occur during a manic stage? a) Deep set depression b) Extravagant spending sprees c) loss of touch with reality d) extensive sleepiness e) a hysterical conversion disorder 3) Nancy feels anxious for long periods of time, but she is not afraid of anything in particular. She likely suffers from a) panic attacks b) paranoia c) agoraphobia d) generalized anxiety disorder e) anticipatory anxiety 4) A minor form of depression that is found with some degree of frequency is called: a) seasonal affective disorder b) dysthymia c) bipolar d) psychosis e) borderline 5) Psychosis primarily involves a) profound euphoria b) sadness c) an emotional "meltdown" d) flashes of temper e) a break with reality 6) During the Middle Ages, physicians and clergyment viewed mental illness as due to a) genetics b) an imbalance of humors c) syphilis and gonorrhea d) unconscious conflicts e) demons and witchcraft 7) The dread of the next anxiety attack can leave someone who has ___________ feeling helpless and out of control. a) panic disorder b) mania c) amnesia d) bipolar disorder e) paranoia 8) Agoraphobia is defined as a fear of a) blood b) needles c) being in public places or open spaces d) being in closed spaces e) shopping 9) A(n) _______________ is a repetitive act performed in response to obsession. a) hysteria b) comulsion c) phobia d) manic episode e) somatization disorder 10) A key feature of ___________ disorders is the appearance of physical symptoms without an apparent biological cause. a) affective b) somatoform c) dissociative d) hallucinatory e) organic mental 11) Jaci has just become blind. The fact that there is no physical reason for this suggests that Jaci may be suffering fro m a) conversion disorder b) observer discomfort c) panic disorder d) generalized anxiety disorder e) physical paranoia 12) The defining feature of __________ is an exaggerated concern about physical health that leads the person to bounce from doctor to doctor. a) conversion disorder b) obsessive-compulsive disorder c) schizophrenia d) dissociative fugue e) hypochondriasis 13) When one loses his or her memory, but there is no known reason for the memory loss, the person may be suffering from _______________. a) dissociative amnesia b) schizophrenia c) dissociative identity disorder d) bipolar disorder e) anxiety disorder 14) A defining characterisitic of fugue is a) confusion b) forgetting c) flight d) a sense of disappointment e) a splitting of the mind 15) Helen has three distinct personalities. One is aggressive, one is sexually promiscuous, and one is very timid. Helen most likely suffers from: a) dissociative identity disorder b) personality disorder c) anxiety disorder d) bipolar disorder e) conversion disorder 16) Some studies have found that a high percentage of persons suffering from dissociative identity disorder report a) symptom fabrication b) somatoform complaints c) sexual abuse d) depression e) paranoia 17) A key feature of _________________ is an odd motor state in which the individual may remain frozen in a stupor for long periods of time. a) obsessive-compulsive disorder b) undifferentiated schizophrenia c) residual schizophrenia d) catatonic schizophrenia e) paranoid schizophrenia 18) Hallucinations are a) often found in individuals with anxiety disorders b) a positive symptom associated with schizophrenia c) common in individuals with dissociative identify disorder d) always frightening to the individuals experiencing them. 19) Jimmy cannot communicate well with the other children in his preschool class. He tests well on IQ tests but has not begun talking. Jimmy may have: a) savant syndrome b) autism c) ADHD d) dyslexia e) a social phobia 20) If Kurt has trouble concentrating on a given task for an extended period and cannot sit still in school, he should be checked for: a) ADHD b) autism c) panic disorder d) dyslexiz e) Tourette's

Mental Disorders Review


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