gawking - stare openly and stupidly, hazy - partly hidden, darkened, or clouded by dust, smoke, or mist, deliberate - to carefully think or talk something through, goggling - to stare with wide eyes, trance - a sleeplike state, hallucinate - to seem to hear, see, smell, or feel something that does not exist, jest - a joking remark, fathom - understand a difficult problem or person after much thought, eagerly - very excited and interested, disgust - a strong dislike caused by something that offends, intersection - a point where two lines or streets cross, intrigued - interest, desire, or curiosity of something, chiding - to speak to someone severely because they have behaved badly, somber - dark or dull in color or tone; gloomy, recoiled - suddenly spring or flinch back in fear, horror, or disgust,

The Maze Runner: Chapter 31 - 35 Vocabulary


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