1) to get something by trading a) barter b) admit c) payment 2) to confess to something a) barter b) admit c) reluctantly 3) having a modest opinion of oneself; not big or important a) reluctantly b) magnificent c) humble 4) when something is made a) humble b) considered c) creation 5) very beautiful or grand a) magnificent b) humble c) creation 6) to think about something carefully before deciding a) admit b) consider c) creation 7) the amount you paid for something a) barter b) payment c) reluctantly 8) to do something unwillingly or with hesitation a) reluctantly b) admit c) consider 9) Clever Jack had to ___________ to get the items he needed to bake a cake. a) humble b) barter c) consider 10) The princess lived in a ___________ castle a) humble b) magnificent c) barter 11) Jack had to ___________ he didn't have a gift to give the princess. a) humble b) admit c) payment 12) Juanita had to ___________ trading Pepe for magic beans. a) payment b) creation c) consider 13) Jack was very proud of his __________ he made for the princess. a) creation b) humble c) magnificent 14) Juanita lived in a __________ house. a) consider b) admit c) humble 15) Jack had no money for ___________ for the items he needed. a) consider b) payment c) reluctantly 16) Juanita _____________ gave Pepe to the stranger with the beans. a) humble b) creation c) reluctatly

Wonders Unit 5 Week 3-4


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